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Police and Crime Commissioner, Simon Foster, has urged people to look out for each other, trust their instincts and report anything that doesn’t feel right this summer. 

The PCC, who is also the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners National Lead for Counter-Terrorism and Chair of the National CT Strategic Board, said over the coming months, thousands of people across the West Midlands will be out enjoying themselves at events such as music festivals, sports matches and other summer holiday activities.

However, these events and venues could be targets for terrorist activity, so the PCC and West Midlands Police are working with event organisers and businesses across the region, to encourage vigilance and reporting of suspicious activity. 

Whilst this is not based on an increased threat to the West Midlands, the PCC is reminding every one of the vital role you can play in keeping yourself, your family and friends safe when out and about this summer. 

West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Foster said: “The summer months are nearly upon us, which brings hundreds of thousands of people to our towns and cities across the West Midlands. 

“People flock to music festivals, sporting events and summer activities and our aim is always to ensure your safety and security while doing so. 

“Whilst there is no increased threat to the West Midlands, it is vital that we always stay alert, vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the police.

“You also know your surroundings better than anyone else and you know if something isn’t right. This doesn’t just apply to where you work, but on your commute and where you live too.”

He added: “Stay alert and trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right – report it straight away. Let’s keep each other safe this summer.”

PCC Simon Foster’s top tips to keep safe at events this summer 

•    If you see something that doesn’t feel right, report it to security where you are or online at

•    Look out for each other and trust your instincts – don’t wait for someone else to report.

•    Anyone can complete the Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) Awareness e-Learning on ProtectUK; this will help you be prepared in the event of a terrorist attack. 

•    Security guidance and ACT e-Learning can also be found on the ProtectUK platform and app. 

•    In an emergency, always call 999.

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