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The West Midlands Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Waheed Saleem , has reassured business and community leader James Wong, that members of the Chinese community and people of Chinese origin living in the West Midlands, of his determination to protect all citizens against any form of hate crime.

The Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner is concerned by recent national reports which suggested Chinese people living in the UK had become victims of hate crime following the outbreak of covid-19, and were three times more likely to be physically attacked or abused than other UK citizens.

The West Midlands Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Waheed Saleem, said:

“Following an initial spike against the Chinese and Asian communities I am relieved there is no indication of any increase in hate crime at present. I am however aware that as people start to gradually come back to work following the lockdown, so more people will be on the streets where public contact will increase and the risk of abuse could escalate.

“As a very diverse caring community here in the West Midlands, we have always led the way in friendly and positive community relations. I wish to make it clear to those people who seem to think Chinese people living in the UK are responsible for covid-19 that this view is absurd and any hate crime and abuse will not be tolerated.

“Chinese people make a huge contribution to our community and our economy and our officers will continue to do all they can to ensure the safety and welfare of all Chinese people living in our region.”

Chief Superintendent Mat Shaer said:

“We won’t tolerate any type of hate crime against our diverse and multi-cultural communities across the West Midlands. It was a previously under-reported crime, and we’ve worked closely with our local partners and community members and group to encourage people to tell us about unacceptable abuse.”

“We’ve tried to make it easier to reach us through third party reporting centres, getting relevant guidance and information translated into different languages and through our hate crime app.”

“Every report of hate crime is taken seriously because such behaviour is unacceptable and can have a significant impact on victims, their families, friends and communities.”

Chinese Community Leader and Chair of Southside BID, James Wong said:

“Hate crime against any community is entirely unacceptable and I would like to thank the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for his very kind words and reassurance. The Chinese community makes a huge contribution to both the local economy and the vibrancy of Birmingham and the West Midlands. I have always believed that the diversity of our region is one of the reasons that our community has been made to feel so welcomed and appreciated, and I look forward to these positive relationships continuing for many generations to come.”

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