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Organisers say the largest ever multi-faith gathering, with a pledge to end youth violence, will take place in Coventry on Wednesday.

Around 300 representatives from faiths including Islam, Sikhism, Judaism, Hinduism and Christianity have been invited to the Faith Alliance Summit on 13th July.

The event at Coventry Cathedral is being hosted by the West Midlands Violence Reduction Partnership (formerly the Violence Reduction Unit), the body tasked with reducing violence in the West Midlands.

Each faith will consider how it can contribute to reducing levels of violence, which has risen over recent years in our region.  

At the event a new ‘Connect Directory’ will be launched which will provide a list of different services for young people by faith-based organisations. There will also be a new service unveiled which will offer guidance to faith communities to help them tackle violence.

Hundreds of religious leaders and young people from the West Midlands and beyond are expected to join the event which will see panel discussions, Q and As, creative performances and keynote speakers take to the stage.

Rabbi Yehuda Pink, Leader of the Jewish Community in Solihull and Coventry, said “It is wonderful to see so many people of different backgrounds and beliefs united with a common purpose, to reduce youth violence.

“The Violence Reduction Partnership are to be praised for organising this ground-breaking event and I hope that the impact will be felt throughout the region.

“The time has come for the famous words of Isaiah ‘They will beat their swords into ploughshares’ to be fulfilled.”

Whilst the Bishop of Coventry, The Right Reverend Dr Christopher Cocksworth, said: “Youth violence in any form is a tragedy.

“The level of violence we have seen in recent years is heart-breaking.

“Communities of Faith have deep wells of wisdom to draw upon and a long reach into the lives of very many young people in our region.

“The Faith Alliance Summit is our chance to work together for peace and to mobilise our resources to safeguard every young person at risk of being caught up into the destructive spiral of violence.”  

Whilst Sheikh Nuru Mohammed, Imam at Al-Abbas Islamic Centre and Co-chair at CitizensUK said, “Having around 300 people from different faiths gather in one room, all working for the common good is reassuring. We all can work but together we win.”

Jas Singh Sharma, President of the Hindu Council of Central England said: “We have a true fundamental belief that all communities should live in harmony and support each other on common issues while at the same time ensuring the voice of the Hindu community is represented at all levels both from a political and religious perspective.

“We’ve recognised the importance of working with the Faith Alliance as this provides the platform to achieve this key objective and also by doing so enables us to provide vital input on relevant and important matters that will make a big difference to all of the faith communities.”

The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, Simon Foster, said: “This is a wonderful event.

“To have around 300 people from different faiths gather in one room, all with a shared cause, is inspiring.

“We think it is the largest event of its kind and that just goes to show the desire and passion within our communities to make change happen.”

Tickets are free and are available to register at:

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