Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS – previously just HMIC) carries out inspections of police forces. These can range from individual function areas through to critical national issues and themes across the police service. HMICFRS also provide an interactive tool which allows users to compare data on recorded crimes and incidents, quality of service and resources for all police forces in England and Wales.

In PEEL 2023-25, HMICFRS graded West Midlands Police’s performance across 8 areas of policing and found the force was ‘adequate’ in two areas, ‘requires improvement’ in three areas, and ‘inadequate’ in three areas. HMICFRS highlighted the inadequate areas as how the force investigates crime, how it manages offenders and how it protects vulnerable people.
Find out more about the inspections of West Midlands Police
This page gives you access to those reports prepared by HMICFRS on West Midlands Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner’s responses to those reports.
HMICFRS Responses