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WMPCC 022 2014 Acting PCC Adoption of Policies

The Acting Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is able to exercise all of the functions available to a PCC apart... Read more

WMPCC 020 2014 Technology Task Force Identification of Preferred Bidder for IIP Contract

A decision by the Chief Finance Officer (CFO) in the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner in consultation with the Chief... Read more

WMPCC 019 2014 Approval of CIF Grants April 2014

A decision by the Police and Crime Commissioner to approve small grants from the Community Initiatives Fund.

WMPCC 018 2014 Provision of Police Services at Birmingham Airport

The Commissioner has made a decision to consent to the Chief Constable entering into a legally binding agreement with Birmingham... Read more
06 June 2014

WMPCC 014 2014 Events sponsorship policy

A decision to introduce a policy whereby local organisations can apply for small grants for financial assistance to support events. 

WMPCC 015 2014 Victims Services

A decision to allocate funding to four organisations for the provision of services to victims of crime, October 2014-March 2015

WMPCC 016 2014 Treasury Management Strategy 2014-15

A decision to approve the treasury management strategy for 2014-15.  Includes information on debt management and investment activity for 2013-14. 

WMPCC 017 2014 Internal Audit Strategic Plan 2014-17

A decision to approve the internal audit strategic plan 2014-17, and the internal audit annual plan 2014-15.
16 May 2014

WMPCC 013 2014 Joint Audit Committee – Appointment of Independent Chair

This decision determines the appointment of the position of Independent Chair of the Joint Audit Committee.

WMPCC 010 2014 Fees and Charges 2014-15

A decision to approve the Force's fees and chargeable rates for 2014/15.
02 April 2014