The PCC hosts a number of functions which hold to account both the performance of the Force and Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
These functions contribute to a fair and effective police force and ensuring transparency.
The PCC has the responsibility of both appointing the Chief
Constable and holding them to
account during their tenure.
One way in which the PCC does
this is through capturing learning from complaints and measuring complainant satisfaction.
The PCC self-assesses their
performance in relation to
handling complaint reviews.
A range of metrics are recorded, including our volume, response times and recommendation themes.
The PCC undertakes bi-
annual dip sampling sessions
of complaints investigated by
Professional Standards
Department (PSD).
Complaints are assessed on a range of criteria and feedback is provided to PSD on a strategic level.
The PCC facilitates Police
Misconduct hearings, where a
police officer’s alleged
misconduct falls under intense
Misconduct hearings are also
led by Legally Qualified Chairs,
appointed by the PCC.