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As a member of the public, it is your right to complain about the services provided by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. This can be broken down into 3 main categories:

Complaints about the Police & Crime Commissioner

Any complaints about the PCC should be made to the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel
This can be done by writing to:

WMPCP Office
Birmingham Council House
Victoria Square
B1 1BB

Alternatively, you can email:

Complaints about the Chief Executive of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Complaints about the Chief Executive should be made in writing to:

The Police and Crime Commissioner for the West Midlands
Lloyd House
Colmore Circus Queensway
B4 6NQ

Complaints about a member of staff at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

To make a complaint against members of staff you can use the online form here.

For more details on how to complain against members of staff in the OPCC click here.

Complaints 2023-24

Summary of Complaints Received March 2023 – February 2024: Three (3) complaints against the Police and Crime Commissioner were received during the reporting period. In each case, the Monitoring Officer determined not to record the complaint on the grounds that the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel was unable to sustain such a complaint against the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Three (3) complaints were brought to the attention of the Police and Crime Commissioner in 2022-23 by the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel.

Zero (0) complaints were brought to the attention of the Police and Crime Commissioner in 2021-22 by the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel.

Two (2) complaints was brought to the attention of the Police and Crime Commissioner in 2020-21 by the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel.

Two (2) complaints was brought to the attention of the Police and Crime Commissioner in 2020-21 by the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel.

One (1) complaint was brought to the attention of the Police and Crime Commissioner in 2020-21 by the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel.

Three (3) complaints were brought to the attention of the Police and Crime Commissioner in 2017-18 by the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel.

Two (2) complaints were brought to the attention of the Police and Crime Commissioner in 2016-17 by the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel.

Zero (0) complaints were brought to the attention of the Police and Crime Commissioner in 2015-16 by the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel.

Five (5) complaints were brought to the attention of the Police and Crime Commissioner in 2014-15 by the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel.

Three (3) complaints were brought to the attention of the Police and Crime Commissioner in 2013-14 by the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel.

No complaints (zero) were brought to the attention of the Police and Crime Commissioner by the Police and Crime Panel in 2012-13 (22 November 2012 to 31 March 2013).