Time, Date and Duration of Authority to Search |
18:00pm 15/03/24 to 18:00pm 16/03/24 |
Area covered by Authority (Please attach any relevant maps) |
Bloxwich, Little Bloxwich, Blakenall, Harden, Coalpool, Dudley’s Fields, Leamore, Birchills |

Details of Authorising Officer |
Insp 29944 Upton Approval from ACC Mattinson |
Reason for Authority (Brief Summary for Publication) |
Log 3482 15/03/24 relates to a call stating four males have crashed into his car at a location given as Brownhills Road, Walsall Wood. Four unknown masked males have exited the offending vehicle armed with three machetes and one Rambo knife. The victim who was also with his son and have managed to drive away. Please note this happened in Brownhills but it is believed that the victims were followed. The area of tensions is as per the attached map which is the S60 boundary. The S60 runs from 1802 for 24 hours. |
Details of OIC (for contact or enquiries) |
Insp 29944 Upton |
After the Authorised Period
Number of Stop/Searches Carried Out Under the Authority |
Outcomes of those Stop/Searches |