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West Midlands Police works with a number of other forces and organisations to provide services. The agreements are entered into with approval from the Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable.

Below are a list of the agreements currently in place:

ANPR Collaboration

For the provision of public order training at the Midland region tactical training centre at RAF Cosford

The Collaboration Partners enter into this Agreement under Sections 22A and 23 of the Police Act 1996 as amended by the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 which provide for joint working amongst police forces, policing bodies or other parties where, in the opinion of the chief officers or policing bodies, the collaboration delivers greater efficiency or effectiveness to at least one of the participating forces or policing bodies.

Staffordshire and West Midlands Legal Services

Signed on 1 December 2011, a collaboration for the provision of legal services between West Midlands Police and Staffordshire Police.

National Police Air Service

Then West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Bob Jones decided to join the National Police Air Service (NPAS) in January 2013.

Staffordshire and West Midlands Firearms Licensing

Staffordshire Police and West Midlands Police collaborate to provide a joint firearms and explosives licensing service.

National Counter-Terrorism

National Counter-Terrorism (CT) Collaboration Agreement.

National ACRO Criminal Records Office

A collaboration agreement for the ACRO Criminal Records Office.



